This weekend, there's a whole lotta people set to rant. They'll be posting all over the Internet, at blogs that have been generously donated or traded for the purpose of said ranting. Links to the host-blogs - where these rants will appear - will be submitted to the comments here; after the weekend, those links will be gathered together and listed in this space for easy reference and inspiration.
You're welcome to participate too, of course. All trading arrangements have already been made (there are still two spots open that I'll assign to the first two commenters who ask for them), but that shouldn't stop you: post your own rant on your own blog or ask around for someone to lend their space (it's a long weekend, and everybody loves a little guest-posting on the holidays.) (Feel free to solicit in comments.) Then just leave your link here.
Grab buttons below. spread the word, and then - BETCH AWAY.

(transparent background)

(grey background - better for dark backgrounds)

Are those 2 spots still open?
'Cuz I'd totally snag one.
I'm not totally clear on whether the spots are for people that want to lend out their blog or trade with someone else to rant on theirs? I don't have a ton of ranting to do {hah} but I sure could think of something if given the chance ;)
Let me know. Love the buttons, love the idea.
Bitchfest has started:
flickrlovr - they're for anyone who wants to DO a rant - if you want one, email me at and I'll hook you up.
My blog is available if anyone needs space...
Yep, I'll also offer up my blog to host a rant for anyone who wants it. (I am nothing if not a procrastinator. :D)
Here's my rant. It's got in-laws and Republicans!
Still waiting for the post from my guest.
This was awesome. Thank you.
Here you go:
Man, if my guest felt as good as I did when I sent my post over to my host, than this is a really, really good thing.
Thank you so much! hers is here:
The post I'm hosting will be up tonight at midnight, HERE. It's password protected at their request, but you can feel free to email me for the password, or use the password request form on my blog. :)
It's a really, really great post.
Here's my hosted rant:
My hosted rant is here: - sorry I don't know how to do the html linky thingy - now someone can go rant about me!
I've hosted a rant here
I thought I posted the rant that I am hosting, but it looks like I must have goofed it up! It is here, and it is amazing!
Thanks for setting this up!
Okay, anyone who wants to trade can email me...good lord this is up my alley...and can post on my blog!
it's up!!!
um.. haha just kidding.
here you go
Here's another one
Here's another:
Jen from one plus two was at my place - here's her post:
If anyone else is interested in posting on my blog, my original poster changed her mind about playing... email me at Blog is Would love to host!
My blog is available for some really rancid bitching. If you have something just horrible to say, come on over and say it on my blog. Email me at My blog is and I'm raring to post something that will turn hair gray!
My hosted rant is posted (tee, hee, that rhymes!)
Hy hosted rant is up here! And I want to go have a talk with her mother!
I'm hosting a rant here. Come lend some support. :)
email rants to:
Come on.
Here's the hosted rant on page.
Here's the hosted rant on my website. Comment and give her some love, ok?
here's the post I'm hosting. Come let her know you've heard her voice.
This is the post I'm hosting. She needs comments and some advice. Please come and leave comments for her.
I am in the process of writing my bitch to be posted elsewhere...however my blog is open to hosting if anyone still needs a bitchy home!
Here's the link to the post I'm hosting:
My guest betcher's post is up. And it's a damn brilliant betch too!
Hosted rant posted here. I'm sure lots of us can relate!
2:30AM but I PROMISED I would get it up tonight. I can sleep now ;).
Come show some love!!!
(Apologies if that link doesn't work, I am SO slow figuring out all this technical mumbo jumbo!)
How did I miss this? Next time count me in for doing a ranting and hosting a rant.
OK, I posted the rant I am hosting. As I'm sure everyone feels about their rant, its a good one! Happy reading.
P.S. I am available for hosting at any time! I love to help out my fellow ladies!
my space is ranted. y'all are gonna wanta read it.
I had fifteen different topics for my own betch and totally came up blank when I sat down to post. I know how my renter feels.
Here's the rant on my blog:
a rant at my place:
hugs and kisses to you, C. you're an amazing woman.
Here's rant #2 at my place:
My hosted rant is up
The rant I am hosting is up.
I am a lazy ass slacker, so I am way behind. If anyone still wants a place to bitch, come on over. Yes, my blog is 'Mommy Confessions' but you need not be a mom, or be bitching about kids, to rant.
I am seeking bitching space. Preferably someone who won't mind if I bitch about politics.
Thanks & let the bitching begin!
I really needed this about a month ago, but my kids start school this week, so I'm all smiles and good cheer.
I will certainly stay tuned however! Great Idea!
At the request of my anonymous ranter, her post has been removed from my site. It was good, but she was concerned that the mentioned party might find it.
I meant to post and host, but a bunch of germs prevented me from ranting. However, I did host and the post is now up: Betchfest Exchange
Kudos to all of you brave enough to voice these feelings.
My guest poster has a follow up post to her rant over at Raging Dad. Check it out here!
Rant is up at my site. She was a little late b/c she had a lot to say. Go offer support. Thanks!
Man I'd totally open my blog to someone else for a bitching, and I'd love to rant in a safe place (aka someone else's blog). Wish I hadn't missed this...
The post I hosted is here.
Thank you for doing this, Catherine.
I pulled out the good sheets and put them on the guest bed so my poster could bare it all right here:
Thanks, Catherine. I loved this.
Here's my bitch:
Here's another:
Come on over to Wednesday Whining.
Whine on Wednesday to a supportive community and then come back Thursday to see if you were awarded a prize for your whine!
my host bitch is up!!
p.s. anyone else who missed out and would like to rant on my blog, email me at litanyofbrittainy AT gmail DOT com and i'll hook you up!
belatedly (seems to be a theme) here's my guest poster's rant:
yay! same time next year?
so...just put the button on my blog. and posted a bitch entry. two down, right? if snyone needs my blog to bitch come on over.
gwendomama coming out of the muck and mire here.
i wanna bitch too.
i haz bitch space.
HBM - was your "hidden" post part of Bitchfest?
Where can we find it? (I mean, since your inlaws already know...)
Just curious - it was posted at the Bloggess a couple of weeks ago - I had it taken down.
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