Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Am I Normal?

Posted by Anonymous.

After my husband told me he was going to go on antidepressants, I ate a bag of cheezies and drank almost one entire bottle of (good) wine.

Am I normal?


Tarasview said...

You are absolutely normal.

And please don't be too hard on yourself! I have been on anti-depressants for several years and I promise you it has nothing to do with my husband.

Anonymous said...

I hope that was a celebratory drink and eat fest. If your husband has problems and is willing to admit it and do something about it, I think you have something to be very happy about.

The Ex said...

Unequivocally, yes.

Anonymous said...

If I could get my hubby on the meds, I would throw a celebration party.

You are perfectly normal, whether you're happy or nervous. Promise.

Anonymous said...

I was talking with my husband on the phone one day after he had been on antidepressants for a few weeks and I noticed there was something different about his voice. At first I was worried he was sad, but then it hit me, he was calm. I couldn't remember ever hearing that exact quality in his voice before. It was remarkable.

Anonymous said...

I was talking with my husband on the phone one day after he had been on antidepressants for a few weeks and I noticed there was something different about his voice. At first I was worried he was sad, but then it hit me, he was calm. I couldn't remember ever hearing that exact quality in his voice before. It was remarkable.

LoveLladro said...

i hope it wasn't out of sadness? i think it's a good thing you have a man that is willing to admit he needs help. somethings are just bigger than our will and resolve... sometimes medication can make all the difference. good luck!

flutter said...

sounds pretty normal to me!

kittenpie said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you are wondering if there's something you could or should have done or seen so he wouldn't get to that point? If so - the answer is no. It's a chemical thing, it's not about you or your relationship. The fact is that his willingness to face up to it is pretty brave and could be the thing that saves your relationship, so please, once you absorb the surprise, give him a hug and tell him you're there for him.

Krista Long said...

Yes. You are very normal. Just remember that the medications can be just as much a journey as your spouse's depression. And, while you are there and a support, it can be a very personal and individual journey.

Also, what they said :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, for helping me see it's a good thing, not a bad thing.

And I suppose a wee bit of self medication never hurt anyone...

at least it was good wine.